community projects
Sharing her skills and passion for photography, Lisa creates and facilitates all sorts of community photography projects.
She believes that creativity, photography in particular, can be a powerful tool to help anyone find their voice and share their story, a process that can have a positive impact for both the participant and the wider community.
Based on the principle of 'Photo Voice', participants learn new skills while exploring and expressing their ideas through photography, discussion and the written word.
While the theme, format and outcome of each project is tailored to the needs of the stakeholders and participants, Lisa’s work to date has focused on exploring a sense of place, community and cultural Identity.
Lisa has successfully acquitted large grants completing projects from conception, facilitation to exhibition and review. She likes to collaborate with local community organisations to meet the needs of a diverse range of people.
Get in touch to discuss how participatory photography can be used in your community, organisation or project.
"Do You See What I See? A Sense of Place: St Marys"
Photography and Storytelling Workshops. Funded by Penrith City Council as a part of Magnetic Places 2016.
Over six weeks Lisa worked with seven residents of the St Marys area to discover and share their sense of place through a series of photography and storytelling workshops.
Using disposable cameras, participants practiced the fundamentals of photography and created their own St Marys story made up of a series of 5 images.
Each series of images and an artist statement were pasted onto walls creating an outdoor exhibition which added colour and intrigue to St Marys, Using a Photo Walk map created for the exhibition, the wider community was drawn into unexpected places of the CBD.
"Marrickville Represents"
Cultural identity workshops, assisted self portraits, exhibition and opening event. Funded By Marrickville Council as a part of Open Marrickville 2015.
Lisa’s most ambitious project to date involved engaging over 100 Marrickville residents of all ages and backgrounds in workshops discussing cultural identity and a photo booth where participants shared their answer to the question “What is important to you about your culture?”
The resulting exhibition of photographic prints and digital slideshow gave a public voice and visual identity to the diversity of Marrickville and it’s strength of community and culture.
The opening night celebration at the Chrissie Cotter Gallery in Camperdown closed the week long Open Marrickville festival for which Lisa was the featured artist and included local food and music further celebrating the cultures of Marrickville.
To make this project happen Lisa worked with Marrickville Library, Connect Marrickville, Cultural Community Connections inc., Marrickville Youth Resource Centre and the Marrickville Markets.
Assisted Self Portraits. Funded by CECAL (Canterbury Earlwood Caring Centre) as a part of Grandparents Day 2016 activities.
As families of children attending CECAL gathered for Grandparents Day, Lisa facilitated an intergenerational photo booth asking people of all ages to describe what their favourite childhood activity is / was.
Participants connected with friends, family and community members as differences and similarities arose. Participants were given a printed copy of the photograph as a reminder of the day and their connection to each other.
"A Sense of Place: Sydney's Inner West"
Photography and Storytelling Workshops. Funded by the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre and the Awesome Foundation.
In collaboration with the Newtown Neighbourhood Centre (NNC) and the Boarding House Outreach Service Lisa worked with residents of general boarding houses in Sydney's Inner West teaching them the fundamentals of photography and visual storytelling.
Over three weeks they used these skills and disposable cameras to explore their ideas and create their own Inner West story which consisted of a series of 5 printed images that were exhibited at the neighbourhood centre.